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Branch elections to be held Nov. 16

Chapel Hill Carrboro NAACP

Dear Members of the Chapel Hill--Carrboro NAACP,

Per the NAACP bylaws, each unit/branch is required to conduct an election of new officers this year.  We are in the process of meeting this mandate.  At our last branch meeting in September, we selected and voted on an  Election Nomination Committee. 

The Eleciton Committed is chaired by branch member Mr. Braxton Foushee and the secretary is Ms. Anissa McLendon.  

At this time, we are requesting nominations for the following positions:


First Vice President

Second Vice President

Third Vice President


Assistant Secretary


Assistant Treasurer

Members of the Executive Committee

You may nominate yourself or another member of our branch, 5689.

In order to serve for an officer position for any NAACP unit, the person nominated must be an active member of the branch or unit no later than May 2024.  Furthermore the following conditions must be met:

Article VI, Section 1(c) of the revised Bylaws for Units of the NAACP. 

Adult Unit Presidents, Treasurers, and Secretaries may not be related to one or more of the other by blood, marriage, common law marriage, or adoption. Article VI, Section 2(a)-(c) of the revised Bylaws for Units of the NAACP. 

Youth Units shall elect their Advisors. Article V, Section 11(b), 12(a), 13(a), and 14 of the revised Bylaws for Units of the NAACP. 

No individual may simultaneously serve as both a Branch President and a State/State Area Conference President. 

Article VI, Section 2(a) of the revised Bylaws for Units of the NAACP. 

No President, Secretary, or candidates for those positions may serve as the Chair of the Election Procedures Committee. Article IX, Section 1(b)(1)(a) of the revised Bylaws for Units of the NAACP. 

Persons wishing to run for elected office may not sign their own official nominating petition. Article IX, Section 1b of the revised Bylaws for Units of the NAACP. 

Please submit all nominations to the Nomination Committee chair and secretary at the following email address.

At our September 7 meeting, the decision was also made to move our November meeting to November 16, 2024.  The election will occur on that day, Nov. 16 from 10 to 2 p.m. More details will follow including the confirmed location for the meeting and election.




Welcome to the website of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Branch of the NAACP!  The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.


PO Box 1236 

Carrboro, NC 27510

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