The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP will be holding its annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day of commemoration Monday, Jan. 20. The event will begin with a rally at 10 a.m. at the Peace and Justice Plaza located at 179 E. Franklin Street.

Following the rally, participants will march down Franklin Street to the historic First Baptist Church for a commemoration day service at 11 a.m. featuring keynote speaker Rev. Kendal McBroom, Director of Civil and Human Rights, General Board of Church & Society, United Methodist Church.
The event – whose theme this year is “Our Future, Our Fight” – is free and open to the public.
“This year we are focused on coming together to emphasize active involvement in service to the community,” said branch president Herman Foushee, a Chapel Hill native. “In the face of new and renewed challenges to justice and equity, it will take all of us fighting the good fight in order to win. Hopefully, coming together for this event will serve as a great reminder of that.”
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP is recognized around the state as being one of the most active branches and has always been at the forefront advocating for social justice and protecting the rights of historically marginalized communities and people.
On matters of importance that include voting rights, affordable housing, fair pay for all, and closing the achievement gap in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, the branch has consistently been a leader in securing a better future for everyone in our community.
“There cannot be progress if we stand on the sidelines, no matter how challenging or hard the fight for economic and social justice and human rights might seem right now,” Foushee said. “That doesn’t just mean our branch but all members of the community who care.”